Will Decker


Will Decker

I am a first-year PhD student in the Language, Intelligence and Thought (LIT) Lab @ Georgia Tech where I work with Professor Anna (Anya) Ivanova. I am interested in language and intelligence in the minds and brains of humans and machines. What/how do neural mechanisms allow us to accrue, store, manipulate and express knowledge of our world? How can neuroscience influence the architecture of artificial neural networks? What can AI tell us about language in the brain? These are a few general themes of my research interests. I also like Mr. SparkleThe Simpsons.



Fan, T., Decker, W., Momsen, J., Haebig, E., Schneider, J. M. 2024. The facilitatory role of rhyme during implicit and explicit word learning. PsyArXiv. [Link Link]


Fan, T., Decker, W., Schneider, J. M. 2024. The domain-specific neural basis of auditory statistical learning in 5 to 7-year-old children. Neurobiology of Language. [Link Link]

Find me

Email: will.decker @ gatech . edu

Blue Sky Logo @jwilldecker.bsky.social

GitHub Logo @w-decker